Know Thy Resume

Know Your Resume

There is no new technology, no app, and no service to help you once you are sitting in front of a possible new employer in an interview. As long as interviews have been taking place, there is a reoccurring issue, people who don’t know their resume. Your resume is why you got the interview in the first place. If you don’t know your resume backwards and forwards, you are guaranteed to blow your interview.

Nearly all employers use a resume as the basis for questions they will ask in your interview. Your resume is how they will delve into your skills, knowledge and work experiences. When an interviewer uses your resume to ask questions, it helps the employer gauge your creditability. If you don’t know what’s on your resume, it will likely cause the interviewer to assume there are some fictional things on your resume. After all, your resume documents your education and experience, so you need to be able to speak about your resume in detail without having to stop and think about it. Hesitating and trying to remember what is on your resume makes you look like you are making things up.

It is wise to review your resume over and over until you have it memorized. You also need to be sure you can speak with a high degree of knowledge about everything you have listed on it. If you claim you accomplished something, be sure you can articulately show how you accomplished it. If you list a certain skill on your resume, make sure you can speak at length about the skill so the employer has no doubts you can perform it.

Knowing what’s in your resume thoroughly can also save you from those moments where you are asked a question, and your mind goes blank. It makes a much more positive impression on an employer when you are able to answer their questions quickly and with confidence.

Don’t Cost Yourself the Job

If you have written a resume filled with false claims, you will surely cost yourself a chance at the job.  Hiring managers comb through hundreds of resumes every week and have interviewed countless candidates. It won’t take long for them to discover your claims are false. Hiring managers have enough experience to spot who is lying and who isn’t right away. Imaging you claim you speak Spanish, and then the interviewer asks you something in Spanish, and you can’t answer. Not only will it expose your lies, but it will cost you the job as well.

Making claims about how you personally increased sales by X% will lead to additional questions. How did you bring about the increase? What were the sales numbers before you arrived? What method did you use to bring about an increase in sales? If you hesitate at all when asked these questions, the hiring manager will see right through you. You get the idea.

Don’t make claims that aren’t true; if you manage through the interview and are hired, you will likely be called on at some point to utilize those fake skills. It will become clear to your employer you lied when you can’t do what your resume says you can do. It won’t be long until you are seeking another job.

In Conclusion

Be sure you know your resume inside-out, and you will have a greater chance of being hired. Don’t make false claims that you can’t back up to pad your resume; it won’t work out for you.

Brian Bailie Jr Writing Service Produces Well Written Resumes

If you need a resume that will get you in the door, we optimize resumes so that you have a greater chance of being interviewed. Call us today or fill out our contact form. Someone from our staff will be happy to discuss upgrading your resume. Don’t keep using that old, substandard resume; get a new one today!