Does Your Resume Have to be One Page?


If you’re like a large portion of the population, you are seeking new employment after the lockdowns finally ended. Unfortunately, you may have lost your business, or the company you were working for may not have survived the lockdown.

If either of those scenarios fit you, you are most likely thinking about updating your resume, which begs the question: Does your resume have to be one page? The simple answer is no, not if you want your resume to be seen by a hiring manager. Why? Because the days of directly emailing a resume to an individual inside a company are over. Applicant tracking systems that scan your resume for keywords and experience relevant to a position are now the gatekeepers of employment.

Applicant Tracking Systems and Your Resume

Just what is an applicant tracking system? Since the advent of the internet and later smartphones, it is easier than ever to submit a resume to a company. In order to screen a massive amount of applications, many employers use software to help them conduct primary screening of resumes. As a result, almost all Fortune 500 companies use an ATS. In addition, a rapidly expanding number of mid-sized organizations also use one an ATS.

ATS reject upwards of 70% of resumes submitted, either due to the applicant’s experience not being relevant to the required qualifications or because they are formatted in a way that confuses an ATS.

If your resume is selected by an ATS and is not sent directly to a hiring manager, but rather a summary of your resume is forwarded. If they decide to interview you, then they have the option of looking at your original resume.

If you limit your resume to one page, you are greatly reducing the chances of getting an interview. Why? Read on.

Can Your Resume Get Past an ATS Gatekeeper?

So, reading that 70% of applications are rejected may have you discourages and wondering how do I get past an ATS? The answer is simple; you need a professional who knows how an ATS system works. The first step a professional writer who has studied ATS will take is to compile a list of keywords relevant to your experience and skills as well as the position to which you are applying.

A professional writer will review the criteria listed and hinted at in the job advertisement. They will also check the company website to determine if a more detailed job description is available and extract the most effective keywords to bolster your skills and experience. If they can’t find any information on the company’s website, they have access to thousands of job descriptions through various software. They may go as far as to interview professionals in the target field and learn what jargon they suggest using on your resume. Professional resume writers also have complied lists full of keywords relevant to a given job.

It’s Skills That Sell a Resume

A professional knows how to take your experience and compile a list of relevant skills that will increase the chances of your being interviewed and hired. Remember, it is an AI that will initially review your resume and decide if you are qualified for a position or not. A professional knows this fact and will ensure that your resume has enough of the right skills listed to be contacted for an interview.

The Bottom Line

If you want to be sure that your resume isn’t one of the 70% that ATS rejects, then hiring a professional resume writer will significantly boost your chances of being interviewed. They will make sure that you aren’t hurting your chances by limiting your resume to just one page.